Seven C's to Credibility

Whether you like it or not, how you present yourself in person or in print does more than leave an impression. For yourself and those you represent, it establishes your basic credibility. That quick note, that dashed-off e-mail, or that hurried newsletter may be all that your colleagues or clients know about your competence or how much you care. Learn seven keys to credibility and to a more professional you.

In this seminar you will learn the importance of being:

  1. correct (get it right - grammar, spelling)
  2. consistent (follow a stylebook)
  3. clear (use simple words, short sentences, short paragraphs)
  4. concise (save people time)
  5. coherent (think structure, organization)
  6. complete (answer the questions)
  7. creative (be interesting, don't bore)


The Seven C's Seminar includes:

The Write Stuff

Tired of staring at an empty screen — while looking for every excuse not to start writing? Does your job demand writing skills that you acquired only by trial and error? Do you become someone else when your write, using pretentious words and long-winded sentences?

Writing is never easy, but it need not be drudgery. Confidence comes from knowing what you're doing, and as you gain confidence, your writing will be easier to do and easier to read.

You will learn how to:


Writing Right, Tight and Bright

There are no dull subjects, only dull writers. You can't write about everything lightly, but you can write about it brightly. Learn to stretch the limits of your creativity within the boundaries of credibility.

We will discuss how to: